Ketchikan, Alaska info.

Nestled on the edge of the pristine Alaskan wilderness, Ketchikan, Alaska is a destination that promises breathtaking natural beauty and a vibrant cultural heritage.  Soak in the emerald landscapes, cascading waterfalls, and totemic history.
From locally crafted jewellery and artwork to unique Alaskan souvenirs. The shopping scene in Ketchikan is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. To ensure you make the most of your visit.  Download meticulously crafted maps that guide you through the town’s hidden gems and lead you to the finest shopping spots. 
Ketchikan, Alaska, is a popular cruise ship destination, and the town has well-established docking facilities to accommodate these vessels. Primary cruise ship docks in Ketchikan are:
Berths 1 & 2: Located near the heart of downtown Ketchikan, Berths 1 and 2 are the primary docking locations for cruise ships.   Berth 3: Berth 3 is slightly farther from the downtown area, but it still provides access to Ketchikan’s charm.  Berth 4 (Saxman Dock): Berth 4, also known as the Saxman Dock, is about four miles south of Ketchikan.  
To know more about this amazing port and all the fun things you can do here.  Book a call with me, I spent 25 years giving cruise port advice and now you can get free information from me.